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A big step in the 3D Printing world

This week I wanted to take a break in writing about what I have been attempting to print in order to talk about a major event that happened in the 3D printing world. One of the limitations of early methods of 3D printing was the choice of color options. Although many colors were out, it was only possible to print with one color at a time. Despite not being a problem originally, the problem occurred when someone wanted to print an object that was two different colors. Although there were a number of ways to do this, like stopping the print and changing the color manually—they were time consuming and not efficient.

Just recently, the 3D printing company Stratasys released a 3D printer that prints quicker than most printers already out and is equipped to print with multiple materials and colors. The model, which is called the J750 can print 360,000 colors and a combination of 6 different materials focused on plastic to help companies be able to produce prototypes and parts for different products.

Since there is such a wide array of printing materials, the J750 can print with different strengths and materials like never done before.

The main audience for this project would be companies that produce hundreds to thousands of prototype parts per week. Because of the number of objects it can produce in the short amount of time that it can, it will save companies a lot of money.

Other businesses that may benefit from this printer include:

  • Design firms

  • Schools/Universities

  • Research institutions

  • Medical companies

  • Hospitals

Read more about the printer on the Stratasys website.

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